Our History

Time Line for Black Diamond Auctions
- March, 1979
- Frank Imholte became an auctioneer (aka ”Colonel”) by finishing school at Reisch World Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City, Iowa.
- 8/25/79
- First auction was a personal property auction of Dale Mruz, Frank’s aunt. Our ringman, Pete Leyk, started with us and is working with us to this day.
- 10/1/83
- First consignment auction was hosted on his home farm in St. Cloud.
- 1984
- Relocated the business from Kimball, MN to St. Cloud, MN; our oldest child Andy began “running sheets “ at five years old.
- 1986
- First Real Estate auction for Black Diamond Auctions, a pioneer in the St. Cloud area for offering RE at auction. Success is sweet.
- 1987
- 11 auctions this year; one included a two day auction of Twin Barns antiques in Fair Haven, MN. Also 1st “Best of Show” award at MSAA convention.
- 1988
- 20 auctions; almost doubled in number.
- 1989
- 21 auctions, ranging from business liquidations to Real Estate to Personal Property to farm equipment.
- 1990
- 31 auctions, starting the year with a dairy farm auction and ending with Real Estate; our fifth child is born and completes the family auction team.
- 1991
- Col. Keith Sharer joins our team as an auctioneer and remains with BDA today.
- 1992
- BDA’s annual Labor Day Auction tradition began.
- 1995
- Computer clerking began.
- 1996
- First Stearns County Auction.
- 1997
- Computer clerking wireless-instant transmission.
- 1998
- Col Frank became Life member of the National Auctioneers Association.
- 2000
- Largest to-date Dairy/Farm/Real Estate auction.
- 2004
- Andrew Imholte, our oldest son, joins the team as an auctioneer. He also routinely designed our auction bills.
- 2007
- Golden Gavel awarded to Col Frank at MSAA Conference.
- 2008
- Our second son, Joe, attended auction school in Mason City, Iowa and participated in the rookie contest. Col. Frank awarded “Hall of Fame” for the MN Auctioneers Association.
- 2009
- Celebrated 30 years in the business, celebrating with a barn dance and hosting Chamber Connection of St. Cloud. Several 1 st place awards at MSAA Conference.
- 2012
- Hosted a large Personal Property auction with over 1000 people in attendance and our entire family team + worked the auction. Hosted several successful RE auctions in the fall. “Best of Show” and 4 -1st place awards at MSAA Conference. Also 1st place at NAA.
- 2013
- Our daughter, Katie, is now a Colonel. She graduated from World Wide College of Auctioneering on Sunday, February 24, 2013. Won 4 - 1st place awards at MSAA Conference and Show. Col Andrew also won the “Golden Gavel“ award at Conference.
- 2014
- Our son Michael is now an auctioneer, graduating from World Wide Auction school in June of this year. Joe and Jen Imholte ran the lunch wagon for the first time and plan to repeat it next year. Matthew proclaimed he now is an auctioneer at five years old. This fall we were able to auction in one day for Stearns County four pieces of RE in St. Cloud area and a wetland credit. No sale on the wetland. Everything sold on that sunny day. Three consignment auctions this year.
- 2015
- This was a more quiet year for auctions. Real Estate wasn’t selling well at our auctions. We hosted our usual consignment auctions with an additional in October. Memorial Day and Labor were big, October was small. Michael was able to auction more with us this year due to a job change from HOM to Rengel Printing. Katie and Erich helped us on a consignment auction. We decided we need to make a plan in 2016 to grow or remain as we are.
- 2016
- We started our auction season early this year. Not with auctions, but planning. Frank and Peg met. We then asked Joe and Jen if they were willing to help us try to grow the business. They said yes. That started almost weekly meetings, depending on our schedules on Tuesdays at 5:30 with Frank, Joe and Peg, later to be joined by Michael. Training happened in handling the website and Facebook after making a difficult decision to leave DAYTA Marketing. They graciously helped train us and gave us support as well as a John Schultz training in early February. All our family attended the MN State Auctioneers’ Conference…that was cool. Andy is continuing with podcasts, changing the format to every other week. He reached his 100th podcast in January. WOW!
- 2017
- BDA continues to pursue more social marketing with Facebook as our son Joe designs our Facebook campaigns. Michael, Joe, Frank and I meet usually monthly. Michael is pursuing growing a division of Black Diamond Auctions: Black Diamond Benefits. The purpose is to grow this division, starting in Central Minnesota. Through the St. Cloud Area Chamber Connection, relationships are forming to develop this division.
- 2018
- Peg retires from Resource Training and Solutions. She becomes a Managing Partner for Black Diamond Auctions and Black Diamond Benefits. We continue to grow our Black Diamond Benefits division with more local benefits: Cathedral High School, Assumption Community of Cold Spring, Children's Day Montessori, Birthline, and Society for Experiential Graphic Design.